Sunday, July 20, 2008

Gallen Lo and Myolie Wu : working with cats and dogs

Picture: Gallen and Myolie, working with dogs and cats

Gallen and Myolie were attending one of the promotional activities for " When A Dog Loves A Cat" 《當狗愛上貓》 in Olympian City yesterday. They had fun dressing the animals up. Gallen pointed out that there are very few TV series in regards to working with pets which is why when he was approached to take part in the series, he agreed right away. He had thought about adopting a puppy but because he would hardly have time to look after it he abandoned that idea. The reporter asked Gallen if everything is fine now, he said he was okay and thanked the reporter for asking but it was private and he didn't want to talk about it.

Gallen and Margie Tsang had to wait for half an hour for Myolie because she was late, but when she arrived she was very apologetic. She explained that she had to film Burning Flame III《烈火雄心》and had already informed them that she would be late. In order to prove she was not lying, she asked the producer 關永忠 to prove it.

Source : MingPao
Tranlator : dragon888 @

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