Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Kate Tsui : Next trip to meet Santa Claus in Finland

Picture: Kate Tsui at Metro Plaza yesterday

Picture: Kate's favorite piece, a giraffe figurine

Kate Tsui and model Baila Chan attended the opening ceremony of "Girl traveller: Beautiful Travel Gallery" 女遊家:美麗遊記珍藏館 at the Metro Plaza yesterday. Among the display, there are various collectors items from different part of the world. Kate's favorite item was the figurine of a giraffe which was presented to her from Kenya Tourist Board. She was filming in Kenya when she was a Miss HK contestant at that time. Baila Chan liked the junior golf club that she bought from Malaysia.

Kate has done a lot of traveling. She usually goes on her own with a rucksack on her back. She was well organized in terms of booking her accommodation at the youth hostel. That way, she was pretty safe. Although she has the Miss Hong Kong title, nobody knows her in Europe. She was in Spain a while ago. Asked if she has met someone special when she was there, Kate replied " One day while I was in a restaurant , suddenly a young guy passed me a postcard. On the card it says I was very beautiful and than he left. I thought that was very romantic."

Kate has planned her next trip already. That is to go to Finland to meet Santa Claus. She would take a train from Beijing, change in Russia via St. Petersburg into Finland. But this time, Kate hopes she has a companion to go with her.

Source : Takunpao

Translator : dragon888 @ http://asianvn.com/


Kate Tsui enjoys travelling alone to experience freedom

Kate Tsui attended a shopping mall event yesterday and displayed souvenirs she brought from travels for a exhibition. Kate enjoyed the times when she backpacked alone travelling to other countries. The most recent country she visited was Portugal. In the series “Moonlight Resonance” the storyline consisted of Kate returning to Hong Kong from Portugal. Before she filmed this series she personally visited Portugal to get a feel of the place and get into character. She spent 1 week there alone and returned immediately after for filming.

In the past she had travelled to Spain alone and stayed in a youth hostel. The feeling was young and free. She remembers during that time, a 10 year old child sent her a postcard back and complimented her beautiful. She has still kept that postcard as a souvenir. She would most like to visit Finland to meet Santa Claus and also South Africa. Asked if she would like to go there for a honeymoon in the future? She says that she would be very happy if she went with a partner, but she would also enjoy going alone because she like's the freedom.

Source : Mingpao

Translated by : kingkongit27 @ http://asianuniverse.net

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