Saturday, July 26, 2008

Fiona Sit : Too anxious leading to sleepless nights

Fiona Sit was interviewed by the Commercial radio for the promotion of Stegosaurus walk in the grass (劍龍在草地散步) yesterday. This song was written by her rumored boyfriend Khalil Fong 方大同. The lyric depicts Fiona as grass, falls in love with the Stegosaurus. She would be dancing with some male dancers. The other day, when they were rehearsing, Fiona requested to switch off the air conditioning. As a result, she was sweating a lot and lost 6 pounds in weight.

Fiona will be appearing in Hong Kong International Trade and Exhibition Centre next week. She will be doing moves than 10 of Sammi's songs. She found it difficult to remember the lyrics. Specially the piece on " 撒拉熱窩 Romeo and Juliet". As a result, she had lost some sleep over it. A reporter asked her if Sammi was coming to support her, she replied " It would be nice if she can come, I'll be very happy."

Source: MingPao
Translator: dragon888 @

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