Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Steven Ma will portray an rude and perverted character in “Dogs On The Beat”

Steven Ma, Linda Chung, Kent Cheng, Maggie Siu and Koni Lui etc attended the costume fitting for TVB's new series “Dogs On The Beat” (好狗出更). Steven Ma will portray someone from a (Weitau) Walled village and had his hair curled especially for the role. But the producer didn't think it was curly enough and requested him to curl it a second time. Steven personally thinks his current look makes him look awful.
Steven says that his role of a (Weitau) walled village guy will be very rude, perverted, not only enjoys looking at porn magazines but also big chested girls. Steven has always played roles that are very polite or well educated, therefore this role will be a new breakthrough. He feel's it will be very difficult but he believes that he will be able to portray the role well. In the storyline, Steven and Linda will play a bickering couple. Steven's character is very rude and will often tease Linda's body. (Saying she doesn't have a good figure). The reporter jokes that he is fighting Raymond Lam over Linda. Steven laughs "She hasn't given me a free album, but I know that she gave one to Raymond. But that's okay, I will buy one myself and will queue up to get her autograph." Walled Village people like to wear gold and silver that's why Steven will be sponsored for the gold jewellery in the series.
Linda Chung will play a tomboy character and wore tomboyish clothing for the costume fitting yesterday. But after episode 10 of the series she will resume to the beautiful girl look. Asked whether she was worried her tomboyish look would not be accepted by her fan's? She says she is not afraid because she can show the audience a different side of her.
Koni Lui will use sex appeal and her role will be quite mysterious. She will play a secret lover of a married wealthy businessman. But in real life she has never been pursued by a married man before. If she knew the man had a wife she would avoid any contact. Asked whether her rumoured boyfriend Dickson has a wife? She laughs and say's no.
Source : Takungpao
Translated by : kingkongit27

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