Friday, October 10, 2008

Twins fans demand an apology from S.H.E

Twins fans demand an apology from S.H.E
Thursday October 9, 2008 Hong Kong
Since the Edison sex scandal, the image of Twins have been affected because of Gillian (Ah Gill). She hasn't been out in the public eye for a while and Charlene (Ah Sa) has been busy coping on her own. There has been reports that Twins would be back together next year. At the same time, the girl band S.H.E was reportedly said on (FM S.H.E) that "Twins have disappeared and they don't exist any more. We can only remember them." As a result, Twins fans were furious about the comment and they demand an apology from S.H.E.
The Taiwanese media wanted to clarify that report. Although S.H.E hasn't replied directly, a spokesperson speaking on their behalf of the company replied "It was from the news that they knew about the disband of Twins. If that is not true, let's hope we can see Twins new record again soon."
Source : MingPao
Translator : dragon888

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